
Build Wealth
With Your Friends.

Bring investments to your friends, and receive bonus earnings worth up to 10% of their profits.

Get Started

Become a Fund Partner

In minutes, you can become a PrivateMarket Fund Partner, giving you the opportunity to earn a portion of the carried interest fees. Simply create and account and start inviting people to join an investent you believe in.

Spread The Word

Building your earning potential is easy. PrivateMarket provides you with custom links to investments that you can share across the web. You can email the links to friends you know would be interested, create a blog post about the opportunity, make a Youtube video, or share with your followers on social media.

Big Earning Potential

When one of your referrals cashes out on their investment, you receive a bonus fee of up to 10% of their profits. Bonus fee percentages vary between investment opportunities.

Start Earning Now

Space and inventory in all of our funds and products is limited. Please apply soon if you intend on making an investment.